Video Series 5
( Watch the video as you read because Pasquale points to many diagrams throughout this video)
Cell-F Center has a very basic law, structure determines function. A structure can be made up of many ingredients. It isn’t the ingredients that counts, it is the structure itself. So structure determines function.
So you see we have to be restructuralized. We have many parts that came into existence in order to get us through this risk system or the dark ages.
This is our spinal chord. It comes down this way and this is called the horses tail. Now this is abnormal. Why? Because to be normal, this is normal. This is called the carpenter’s square. It is norma in latin, carpenter’s square. This is not square because when we were normal, every nerve, see the spine came right down to the very end, and when it did, every nerve came out on a square to its opening here which we call the intervertebral foramen and this is our problem right there. This is why we have obesity, not because we’re eating fats or anything else, this is it. Eating fats, lowering your fats helps the situation, but it doesn’t remove what is really causing it. So this is why Cell-F Center is here. In order to make you understand that this is the problem. The horse’s tail and this is what we call triune or the trident, the horses tail and we know that the triune or Poseidon had horses going along the way. It’s simple but this is our problem and we have to make a complete change. This has to come all the way down inside of us and every nerve here must go out this way. Now, would you say that’s a square? It is. Would you say that this nerve that comes down here and goes out here like this. What do you got? That nerve belongs there but look at what we got. We got something what we call obtuse. The OBIT, death, the dead zone. Doesn’t Verizon advertise it takes care of its dead zone? But, you cannot take care of a dead zone which is here and still become normal. We can doctor up, we can patch up, but we cannot completely remove the cause. This is our cause, right there and this is what we have to go through and this is what Cell-F Center is going through and this is why Cell-f Center is in a precarious position today, because of this.
So that cauda equina now. This is as if when the winter season took place, this was completely normal here. It looked as if somebody took and wound it up. If you look at us inside of us very carefully, you will notice that the spinal chord is shrunken. It brought up into a very short chord and at the bottom we have the cauda equina and the cauda equina means the horses tail. So eventually when our spinal chord becomes elongated once more for the whole spinal canal then and only then shall we get rid of the arachnoid and the arachnoid is the flycatcher. Belzebub they call it. They give it names for all things. So we won’t need the flycatcher any longer.
If you feel a little nauseous it’s because things are taking place within the equator and the equator is where our belly button is. So I’m using nice easy language so we can all understand ourselves. That’s the equator, but along the equator we have two zones. One is of cancer, and the other one is of the goat, two zones. So both of them must disappear in order to get rid of cancer. They’re in charge now. So the day will come soon when the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn or the goat will make a turn this way and it will be vertical, longing. Then and only then will cancer be conquered. Structure determines function. What will take its place? It will be the Tropic of t Horses, Horses. There used to be at one time on television where we see in the distance horses running this way and they had a beautiful melody with it. That was for us to get ready to understand what we understand today. Tropic of Horses and when the Tropic of the Horses come, cancer which is this way and the goat which is the kidney are this way. Now they’re longitudinal.
What does the lord have? It has Mercury. Who is Mercury? We hear of him being a bad guy, this that or the other thing. Well, he was put in the wrong places, that is why he was a bad guy, but being put back into the right place, Mercury means this, listen very carefully and Mercury is on Wednesday. Mercoladee, Mercury. Everybody has a stillbirth, but Mercury within itself takes the stillbirth and quickens it. That is why Mercury means to animate it. This is why we call these things animated pictures. Mercury has what I was told at one time, it didn’t mean anything to me than, now it does. That it is the Causeless Cause. Nobody knows how it works, but it works.
(Ara) What is Mercury? Is it like a god? What is Mercury?
(Brian) He’s asking about Mercury? Is Mercury a god? What is Mercury?
(Pasquale) Mercury, well it is the planet; number one and for anybody being in the wrong place and the wrong time can get bad. You have a good child. He starts mingling with hoodlums. He becomes; what? A hoodlum. Get it. It is our job to sit around or think about it because it is a thought universe. It is our job to recognize the misalignments in our chakras which are our planets. They have to be all realigned and there are many parallels out there that we can use.
Mercury is the real one that takes a stillbirth and everybody is born dead and at one time when I was a kid they turned them upside down and slapped them on the rear end and that was the stimulus to get them going. I don’t know what they do today. Do they do the same thing or do they come out yelling?
(Phil Scime) They come out yelling.
(Pasquale) Come out complaining, huh.
(Phil Scime) To follow up. Is Mercury found in the Chiropractor? Does he work through the Chiropractor?
(Brian) Does Mercury work through the Chiropractor?
(Pasquale) If he belongs or she belongs through to Cell-F Center in truth. Yes. You would go out and be a missionary. That is what it needs.
(Ara) He mentioned that Mercury and the other planets are associated with chakras. Which chakra is it? Is it the first chakra that Mercury is?
(Brian) You were talking about how the chakras inside of us represent our planets.
(Pasquale) One day we will read them differently up there. One day soon.
(Brian) He’s asking . Is Mercury the first chakra?
(Pasquale) No, it is the center one. It shall be in the center. You see the difference. Now you know why I am going through hell to get everything aligned, not only aligned, but also to make
The east the west----the west the east.
The north the south—the south the north and soon down that way which is sunset will be sunrise. Soon by 2012 at the most out here, but in us, its got to happen now, so it can express itself at that time and when I would be 100 years old then we will start our new nation functioning.
So we don’t use a stimulus. You and I will use Mercury. Mercury has been called many things because Mercury has been put in this wrong category. Mercury has been put in number one when it really belongs in Center. Now, What is Mercury? Mercury makes us remember that everybody is born still, still, stillbirth. Now listen to this, and Mercury has the ability of taking this stillbirth and quicken it, meaning to put it into action so it can be animated. No other one does that and when Mercury which is mercoladee in our calendar actually takes over again then and only then will you have, you females have birth without a problem. Did you know that?
What is Mercury called by our spiritual friends? A Causeless Cause. Nothing makes it do it from the outside. It does it all from within. The Causeless Cause. This is when we will be perfect.
(Peter Morgan) What is the significance of Mercury in the Metamorphosis?
(Brian) What is the significance of Mercury in the Metamorphosis?
(Pasquale) I just told you. Mercury has that ability to do things that not even our spiritual friends understand. You will never know the whole mystery, but you will know enough to be perfect and control things. Again they call the metamorphosis of Mercury the Causeless Cause meaning everything else must receive a stimulus from the outside in order to be quickened, but with Mercury it is done from within and it is called the Causeless Cause.
You see we are trying to be logicians, but we cannot figure this out by being a logician on the outside. That’s what we are on the outside logicians. We try to bring in spirituality through our logic, it will never work, never. You have to come to understand the new language and to read the spiritual portion of it.