April 13, 2013 Cell-F Center Day of Companionship Marietta, GA
Saturday, April 13, 2013 Cell-F Center Day of Companionship set the TONE for a complete change in our understanding of Who We Are and what Chiropractic's Role is for our Spiritual Existence Throughout Eternity.
Revelation 21: For I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth for the First Heaven and the First Earth were passed away.
Let go of the old and allow a New Tone of Understanding to come out of you. Embrace it, listen to it, then do what you sense you need to do. This is the Spiritual Shift Pasquale spoke about and Know that You are Loved.
Mary Baker Eddy wrote this about the word
Spiritualization of thought.
A new and higher idea of Immortality or Spiritual Existence.
A knowledge of the science, art and philosophy of Chiropractic contains a moral and a religious duty;
Morally, it serves as our basis of humane action according to our reason and judgement concerning our physical welfare.
Religiously, it governs our motives of Divine Duty with respect to our advancement of our spiritual existence throughout eternity. Its principles embrace the faith, belief, practice, obligations, and conduct of our lives toward God and Man.
D.D. Palmer The Chiropractor 1914 page 9
Spiritually, all suffering
And sickness is non-existent.
It’s only because of this
Current state of negativity
And the lack of faith in our
Own power and existence
That we have all this sickness,
Disease and suffering.
For the spiritually inclined, you lose
Nothing and gain everything.
When there is a spiritual shift
In the consciousness of our world,
You will see people have a shift towards
Chiropractic and what
We are truly all about.
-Pasquale Cerasoli
This picture speaks volumes |