A knowledge of the science, art and philosophy of Chiropractic contains a moral and religious duty;
Morally, it serves as our basis of humane action according to our reason and judgment concerning our physical welfare;
Religiously, it governs our motives of Divine Duty with respect to our advancement of our spiritual existence throughout eternity. Its principles embrace the faith, belief, practice, obligations, and conduct of our lives toward God and Man.
-D.D. Palmer, The Chiropractor 1914, page 9
Jim Bradman, Chiropractor, Batavia, New York
Years ago I asked Pasquale how a guy like Elvis Presley could get so tangled up in drugs as to destory himself and he said, 'Jim, sometimes we create aspects of ourselves and the aspects take on a life of their own.'
Gospel of Thomas Gnostic Gospel
If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
George Daynor built a palace made out of junk in 1932 during The Great Depression. Look him up he is an ineresting guy. This is what he said.
"The palace of depression stands as proof that education by thought can lift all the depressed peoples out of any depression, calamity, or catastrophe; if mankind would use it. The proof stands before you my friends. Seeing is believing."
Remember education comes from the Latin word educare which means to draw out from within. That is a Great Chiropractic Quote.