Intro Afternoon 9/10/11
Most people don’t realize what Cell-F Center is. Cell-F Center is to find yourself. To get away from all the shall I say inroads that get us all bound up into this that or the other thing.
Now if we speak about spirituality, let’s be spiritual, let us be spiritual. Remember you cannot commercialize spirituality. It is not for sale. That is why you can come into this meeting and sit down and walk out without anybody asking you for anything. This is a spiritual meeting and what we had here last March; that was also a spiritual meeting. You walked in here and you registered. If you felt like leaving something you did. If you didn’t, you just sat down and nobody kicked you out, nobody. This is spirituality. So let’s get our priorities straight we cannot sell it, it is impossible.
Are you willing to change? I cannot force you. My job, my duty is to tell you. It’s up to you make up your own mind. I have nothing but absolutely nothing to sell you.
If you talk to the average person out there. What does he or she want? They want freedom and peace and good health. That is all they want. Talk to them find out, unless they are some screwball people who went out of the way to do things their own way, but the average person just looks for a home, a wife, a husband, and a child or two, maybe a little garden and nobody to tell them what in heavens to do, and they want to live in a place where there is no sickness, and when they want answers; their own heart gives them the answers. This is it and this is what these people want out here, but we have a great responsibility, we have to know how this thing works to a degree, and why do we have to know? Because like an automobile, you may drive it. All you know is you have to put gasoline in it. Take it in to the shop occasionally and that is the end of it, but the mechanic, the person who built it must know the insides of it and this the way we have to work.
If you have to think about things. Think about yourself and how you are improving. That’s enough. How you are understanding more. That’s enough. Don’t force the issue. When you force the issue you pay the penalty. Take it easy we have all eternity to finish this job.
There is a particular school upstate New York; won’t have me talk there because I am a vitalist and they are mechanistic, but they don’t realize that the vitalist incorporates the mechanism with this understanding. There is a reason for all things, a reason for all things. So get to know it.
Logistics and whatever you want to do will never let you know because spirituality is all together different than this. You see we are trying to be logicians, but we cannot figure this thing out by being a logician on the outside. That’s what we are on the outside: Logicians. We try to bring in spirituality through our logic, it will never work. Never. You have to come to understand the new language and to read the spiritual portion of it.
Don’t depend on me depend upon yourself and listen to what I’m telling you. It is in you and you will get your own answers. I cannot give you the answers. I can only lead you to the answers. I hope I made myself clear enough. I cannot give you direct answers. I can lead you to the answers. Where do you find your answers? You tell me, you tell me, inside. Inside of where? Inside of each one of us.
Did I shock you? If I did I am glad I did. If I didn’t than your dull.
How did we all get started? How did we all get here?
Now when we read that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Which God are we speaking about? Now the word create does not mean to give birth. It means to bring forth, to bring forth an image. So when God Almighty and you should put that down God Almighty created or brought forth the heavens and the earth and he did that via mankind, but God Almighty knew that in order for this to come about it had to have birth and the only one that can give birth is the sun.
So here let’s be very careful. So when that fella who we call Jesus was crucified you see him with a bunch of thorns around his head and the stigmata in the palms of his hands. This was the sun that gave us the spinal column. It was not the God Almighty.
So we are born in order to grow spiritually and to grow spiritually we go through many, many different processes.
So when God Almighty said I will make man in my own image and he did. Man not the world out there, not the place I am standing on or where you have your feet down. You, each one of you. Now you become the crowning creation because when you hear me even though today it is digital you have to be a creator. In order to take the frequency between you and me, to see me and to hear me, there’s the difference. Don’t look outside, look within yourself.
So the very first thing that comes about through the solar system. You see The Almighty God who gives us eternity does not create. So what it did------it turned part of itself into nature and it is the solar system that is nature and it is innate, but innate or the solar system is limited is very limited. It is only 120 years and after that it is the end.
And to get this information now is very laborious. As you can see, look you saw me in here, nothing but bones. What I had here for a bust is not there anymore, but metamorphosis must take place. The original mankind had to come back. It could come back only through nature which is the solar system, from innate which I never did like the word. For some reason I felt uncomfortable with it, but I know why, because after all this work, I have to lose it. I have to leave it as scriptures so that my children can use it and their children can use it, but the recognition of John before me is not around anymore, he is gone, Joan she is gone. It is some way to live isn’t it. All that work.
So, what do we do? When we get done with this solar system which is 120 years we attach ourselves to The Tree of Life and The Tree of Life is The Almighty God
Dark Matter
It was The Almighty God who made the sun and it did it in order for us to go through a whole rigga ma roll of breaking through dark matter, because it is only the dark matter and while we are breaking through the dark matter it is painful.
Let’s get down to some nitty gritty today. All Mind Never Matter
All Matter Never Mind. The key word in there is matter. If you have a carbuncle, if you have a boil and it finally comes to a head. What comes out of it? Matter, pus, junk. So, when we are All Mind there is no pus hanging around. Get this clear there is no pus hanging around. For when we have pus within us, this is why we cannot get the answers we are looking for. So, we have to go through a complete metamorphosis, a complete change in order to bring this very simple situation into existence. So, where our spiritual friends abode or live everything is good because there is no matter. The truth lies within us, but there is so much matter, so much pus in us, (corpus) in us that we cannot get to the truth.
We have to be restructured. We have many parts that came into existence in order to get us through this risk system or the dark ages, and the dark ages are important because when a new nation has to be born. It can be born only by going out, to vanquish, to conquer the darkness and only from the darkness comes the light. Now listen carefully. And the darkness comprehended it not, meaning once you conquer the darkness or the dark matter into light the dark matter can never take it back. That’s what that means.
Now remember the dark forces are still there and some of these dark forces instead of keep on going, instead of keep on struggling to bring this thing to a final conclusion. We have many people who have taken on the dark forces and used them for their own personal gain. Oh yes, you can do a lot with the dark forces, but it is not progress.
How do the dark forces work? Listen carefully. Listen to what I say now. The dark forces. It is not impossible for God to do all things. You notice the double negative, not impossible, but a Cell-F Center person says it is possible for God to do all things. The difference, you get it. So, listen to these people out there and you will hear the double negatives right along. Listen to them.
What are the dark forces? Black matter, black matter and this is what we do, this is our job. Go out and conquer, vanquish the dark matter because in that dark matter there is good. Let us take the good out of the evil which is the dark forces and let us build a new nation.
We can now be thankful that we have almost captured the daylight. In other words prior to this the dark forces were in control. Now, because we have gathered here so many weeks, the dark forces are no longer in control. The light, light, light, light. This is what we need, is the light and this is what we are going to get. So, without any further a due please enjoy your ravioli and please understand as to why we are holding this memorial. Yes we have turned the night into day and that is quite a feat, quite a feat. The light sees nothing but the good that comes out of the evil or the dark forces. We have to change the day and night. Now what we have done or are doing here is going through this metamorphosis. So the day will control and not the dark.
Now if you look at those horns there. You will see that we still will have to go through the valley of darkness and in order to go through the valley of darkness we have to grab the bull by the horns. So all this takes time and understanding, but remember it is the dark matter that gives us the information, but unless we become aware and take the bull by the horns and direct it in the right places; the night forces will not give up. Oh they’re tough people, they’re tough. This will take place because we in Cell-F Center recognize that it is the light that controls for the good.
Because everything is dark forces. See the time comes when seasons change then we have to go out and cut into the dark matter, and when we say see--saw, see—saw, remember when you were a kid. What I see is what I saw or cut, cut into, until I reach a particular mark which says period. That’s the end. Now the other night I was watching a movie, one of these CI movies and I saw something that is very intriguing. Some person got infected and he picked up some particular bug. Now, what the lab did was take this bug that was running all over the place and then they made a circle and the bug couldn’t get out of the circle. It was encircled. Get it? And that is the same with us. We have a circle. Can it be? And this is also my question. Can it be blue? Because, look these little ditties have more wisdom than you think. Little boy blue come blow your horn, the sheep are in the pasture and the cows are in the meadows. Can it be there is some sort of a blue line up there in us, inside of us that tells us, you have see—saw? You have seen and you have cut. Now, this is the end.
Soul Suffer Blue Ray
I am a vitalist. There is reason for all things. There is a reason why we have to go through all of this evil. There is a reason why we have to be a slave, live in servitude. So Old Man Papa the Father in Heaven was told by his constituents, his family when the seasons started to turn. You don’t know how to rule anymore. Get out of our way and this is what happened and things got worse and worse and worse.
It was The Almighty God if you read the book carefully, loves his people and he hopes that all will be saved, but he gave people, what? (answer from the audience) Free Will. (Pasquale) That’s right. You make up your own mind.
Now if we want to personify this whole thing which is the best way to explain it, so we can understand it. Old Soul out there is the lord god. Old Soul gives and he taketh. What does he give us? He gives us the spark of life and after 120 years he says you’ve had enough and bingo takes it away, and if we are only from The Soul out there. There is no coming back. No incarnation, no reincarnation, none.
We need spirituality that comes from the Almighty God. That’s what we need, but in order to gain that, we had to born through the sun, be crucified and the emblems are stigmata in the palms and the thorns around the head.
And this is why Cell-F Center is here. To get us ready for what is going to happen. Now, if we look at the galaxy we will see that the solar system is right at the end. In other words. The Almighty God who created man of two genders, a masculine gender and a feminine gender also wanted man to become aware, and the only way we could become aware was to fall, and this is why the solar system came here, to make us suffer. All of this suffering, but once that starts to function we let the suffering go back. We don’t say we must never forget it. We must forget it, because if we keep harping on the old we will never keep going forward.
I want to hear a story that gets us the hell out of there. You’re repeating damage, and this is what they want you to do, talk about it. Don’t talk about it. Don’t even think about it. Do what I do. This morning I could hardly stand up. Now I can stand up because I was lying down in there and I said I want to be better this afternoon than I was this morning and here I am. Who was here this morning? What do you think? Am I better now? This is what I willed.
Egg Numero Dos
October which has two more days has been a rough, rough month for Cell-F Center. Too many things went on such as tying up many loose ends. Tying them up and those that don’t fit, have to be refitted. It is a big, big job. We will do what we possibly can to make things easier. Do you think maybe we could have some questions and answers tonight? (Brian) Would anyone like to ask Pasquale anything?
(Brian) Pasquale, you said a bunch of loose ends had to be tied up and then, what did you say? New fittings had to be put on.
(Pasquale) Now what is happening now. Is that what no one outside can do. That is to take an egg that has been scrambled and unscramble it, and bring it back into an egg again. So, this is what is going on within Cell-F Center and the egg will not be any egg that ever existed before. It will be a new type of egg, a new frequency egg. Cause you see we are coming in an age now of a new frequency. A new frequency that has never, never been here. That is what we are bringing in, that is what we are bringing in. A new frequency and you don’t know what the new frequency is. Tom Musto knows because he looked at the banjo. Remember? You see I got news for you with that banjo. That banjo, the back of it. You know the way it looks so nice and clean, was dirty and I couldn’t get it clean, but if you look at that banjo today you will see it is beautifully cleaned and ready, ready to be played. Ready, ready to be played.
Many things are happening. If you are in this house and you hear something and you don’t know from where it comes. Don’t worry about it. Let it be, because things are being replaced without our knowing. So, let it happen and some of you no matter where you live, if it happens there just let it happen.
(Tom Musto) When you say new fittings are being made. In what way is this happening?
(Pasquale) Well it is like building a new machine and you start making things and you realize that something has to be refitted and you refit it. It is no different. Everything is the same, see it. The only thing is now we are going into a higher, higher frequency.
What are we doing now? Now the egg is unscrambled and we are doing something that no one on the outside of the egg can do. That is take a scrambled egg and bring it back together again.
So Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
You and I in Cell-F Center are going to have this egg completely back together, but with a new high frequency. Got it. So in some bibles they talk about the lords of Lord and the gods of God. Either you are a Lord or either we are a lord with a small l. So even in the bible it says the Lord of Lords and the lord of lords. All of these small lords cannot take the scrambled egg and bring it together again. Barak Obama and his whole crew cannot do it. They are living outside of the egg. You and I are going inside to come out with a brand new frequency and that thing is rotating at a tremendously high speed and then it takes time for us to take this thing and detune it to the same frequency into number one.
And, how do we spell one? Brian
(Brian) Won.
(Pasquale) How else?
(Brian) One or Won.
(Pasquale) That’s right. This is when we have won the race. You got it. By slowing down. We win by slowing down.